Read about lawns in shade. You can also read about
shady lawn trees or growing shady trees in lawn.
Shady Lawn Trees
If gardening is a hobby for you then you can dare to
take up the challenge. Yes though growing shady lawn trees seems
to be a tedious task but it is not the same in reality. Generally lawn
requires quite sensitive treatment but it is quite an adventurous
experience to grow shady lawns and it will also be a test of your
planting skills.
Before talking about growing shady trees in lawn you need to
first evaluate the location and soil. Shady lawns also require at least
4 hours of sunlight. If possible you can consult with an arborist and
you might need to remove the selected branches so that there is enough
light. For soil you need to find out the nature of the soil. You can
improve its condition by aeration or blending it with compost. But the
blending should be only with one inch of soil. If you are applying lime
do it only after testing it minutely.
Shady lawn Seeding
Lawns flourish specially from mid August to mid September. Quite
obviously you need to choose shade-friendly grasses like Red fescue or
other fine fescues. It is most preferred to sow seed rather than sod.
Sod can be planted for shade.
Preparation of soil
While seeding see to it that the soil is of good quality. You should
water them frequently until the seedling comes out of it. Once it comes
out water it thoroughly but not often.
Lawns in shade should be mowed deeply nearly about 3 inches deep.
General tips for lawns in shade
- Shady lawns require less fertilizer compared to lawns exposed to
the sunlight. 1 to 2 pounds of actual nitrogen per 1,000 square feet
per growing season at two intervals. The ideal time for
fertilization is the first week of September.
- Shady lawns don't require ample watering but when watered do it
- Lawns in shade are not meant for rough use. As they are quite
weak compared to sunny lawns so it is better not to walk or let the
children play on it.
- Though moss and creepers like ivy grow largely on the shady lawns
but it is not harmful. It only grows on the empty soil because the
grass grows slowly.