If you are interested in winter gardening read
about the plants grown in cold weather and also about the plant care
required in winter season.
Winter gardening
When gardening is your hobby why not try out
something adventurous in gardening. Here by adventurous gardening we
mean to say winter gardening. It is really interesting to see
fresh green leaves or tiny leaves coming out of stalks that too when the
surrounding is loaded with snow.
Tips on plant care in winter
Time of plantation
The ideal time for planting the winter plants is late summer. As they
get enough time to become strong to bear the merciless pangs of winter.
Plants grown in cold weather
If you have a warm greenhouse you can grow summer vegetables like
tomato or squash in chill climate. For winter you can grow Broccoli,
Cabbage, Kale, Collards, Brussel Sprouts and Cauliflower. You can both
plant them in July and get the crops by late fall or if you want to grow
them in winter sow them in September and see the results in winter or
early spring. Similarly Garlic, Leeks also called as carefree crops that
can be grown in the cold weather. In you are looking for the ingredients
for your salad dish then you can grow Lettuce, Spinach, Mustard, Chard,
Kale, Collards Beets and Carrots.
If you want to improve the soil or keep the weeds out of your garden
you can plant cover crops. Some cover crops are planted in spring and
others are in fall. Fava bean is the most common natural cover suitable
for this cold weather.
Vegetables like Kale will survive without protection from the cold
weather. Plants that need protection form the cold can be given by
making a cold frame. You can buy a cold frame or make it yourself
Some vegetables such as Kale will survive in winter without any
protection; others are more likely to survive if they are covered. You
can make or buy a cold frame to protect crops. To make a cold frame,
which is, a bell-shaped cover you have to
- Bend some pipes of ½ or ¾ inch and put it on the top of
a raised bed.
- Cover the top of the pipes with clean plastic.
It can provide some protection to the plants from
cold weather but it may not work in extreme cold.
The best winter garden fertilizer is compost and mulch. Compost
provides minerals to the plant and mulch prevents the soil to freeze
easily. You can also mix compost with the soil and sow your cold weather
plants and seeds. Don't put too much artificial nitrogen fertilizer, as
it will increase the plant growth. This new growth is very much affected
when the temperature goes down. You can find the preparation of mulch in
our other section. There is also a disadvantage on the application of
mulch. It creates a warm moist environment that helps the slugs to grow.